Treatment of prostate

Modern treatment, prostate – one of the most urgent problems in urology, depending on the reasons that support the inflammation of the prostate depends on the system of therapy. Patients with chronic prostatitis is usually not required hospitalization. In severe cases, comprehensive treatment in the hospital more efficiently. Let's look at the details, which are the pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods to solve this problem.

treatment of prostate

The non-medication treatment of prostate

Thermal treatments, physical therapy effect

The modern urologist is of great importance to the physical methods, which allow to reduce the dose, the duration of antibiotic therapy.

Physical therapy for prostatitis includes the following objectives:

  • improvement of the microcirculation, the tissues, the prostate;
  • enhance accumulation in the body drugs;
  • to reduce the pain;
  • improving the quality of urination;
  • mild inflammation;
  • the increased efficiency.

The most effective methods of transrectal microwave hyperthermia and the therapy (mud treatment, laser treatment, connector - electrophoresis). Depending on the severity of changes in the tissues of the prostate, the presence or absence of stagnation signs, comorbidities, the different temperature systems, as well as types of procedures.

Electromagnetic interference temperature of approximately 40 degrees anti-congestive, immunostimulating, bacteriostatic effect. Further increase in temperature to 45 degree mark, and sclerosing analgesic effect due to inhibition of nerve endings, and reduces the size of the gland.

Important! Before prescribing physical therapy prostate necessary to assess the level of prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels in men at the age of 40, to perform a transrectal ultrasound of the prostate (TRUST). This helps to eliminate the cancer of the prostate. In doubtful cases, elevated PSA levels, it is appropriate to use magnetic resonance imaging.

The physiotherapy of the calcifications of the prostate (calculous prostatitis), as a rule, is not carried out. This is due to the fact that the stones and the fabric is heated unevenly in a microwave field, which may provoke acute urinary retention and the appearance of blood in the ejaculate.

tools treatment, prostate

Treatment, prostate laser

-Low, navi, depression laser affect the prostate gland effect similar to that of the microwave hyperthermia, the temperature is 40 degrees Celsius. This method is more appropriate to apply in those cases, the congestive-infiltrative changes in the organs of the urogenital tract, for example, in the treatment of acute, chronic prostate inflammation, in the background, vesiculitis, orchitis, orchiepididymitis'.

Prostate massage is used less, as more effective measures, as well as the modern tools of physical therapy. The procedure of the prostate massage is not performed in the acute phase, the indication of BPH, stones, prostate cancer, tuberculosis.

Tools treatment, prostate home

Therapeutic properties based on heat, massage, magnetic effect on the prostate tissue. The procedure is completely painless, requires no special skills. The rectum introduced the tip of the condom before you can apply the gel anti-inflammatory substance. After use, the device does not need to boil, enough to wipe the work surface with alcohol.
The course of treatment is 15 procedures, the duration is 10 – 12 minutes.

Contraindications to physical therapy:

  • in the acute phase of inflammation;
  • stones prostate;
  • urogenital tuberculosis;
  • malignant tumors;
  • the cracks in the rectum, and hemorrhoids in the acute phase;
  • diarrhea;
  • bleeding from the rectum;
  • fever.

There are tools, prostate massage in the home environment battery powered, it is less convenient to use, as well as the action of vibration. The positive aspects included in the price, this line, up to 2000 rubles.

Health-resort treatment, prostate

The sanatorium can only be sent in remission after completing the sanatorium-resort card. In many places of Russia and abroad treatments to cure the prostate, improve erectile function, and enhance your overall health.

Help, which of the following activities:

  • physiotherapy;
  • drinking water treatment mineral water;
  • all kinds of hardware physiotherapy impact, in particular, the normalization of the nervous system;
  • hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches);
  • balneotherapy (spa bromine, iodine, etc.);
  • mud therapy (baths, mud tampons).

After the treatment the sanatorium many patients forget about the symptoms of prostate.

drug therapy

Medical treatment, prostate

The treatment of chronic prostate inflammation is important to the complexity of the system, which covers all stages of pathogenesis. This makes it quicker to withdraw from the stressor, the tissues, normalizes the blood circulation, the nutrition, the body, facilitate proper drainage aci (selection channels), normalizes hormonal balance and activation of the local immunity.

For these purposes, drugs used in the following groups:

  • antibiotics;
  • anti-cholinergic drugs;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Nsaids);
  • immunomodulatory agent;
  • angioprotectors;
  • plant;
  • alpha-blockers;
  • inhibitors, 5-alpha-reductase;
  • inhibitors of the cytokines;
  • medications that affect urate metabolism, and citrate.

Important! Not necessarily that the treatment plan includes all of the above, the doctor focuses on the complaints, symptoms, the prostate, the results of the survey, provoking factors, the effect of the previous treatment, stage of the inflammatory process associated to disease.

Exacerbation of chronic prostatitis requires empirical (without determination of the agent) to antibacterial therapy, with the appointment of broad-spectrum antibiotics. Of course, it is better to choose an antibiotic according to the results of the bacterial analysis, but to obtain a time. Acute inflammatory process in the prostate is left without treatment, lead to complications, such as the apost I or bacteriotoxic shock. Often swelling of the glands on the background of inflammation can cause acute urinary retention.

In these cases, perform a suprapubic puncture of the bladder, the installation of a Foley catheter, and prevents the aggravation of prostatitis, the antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, local use of the candles, etc.

So you don't need a hospital to treat inflammation is necessary the first symptoms of the disease, and finally, recommendations of the urologist.

Treatment of prostate is determined individually, but the recommendations for antibiotics (levofloxacin is preferable to novum) for 28 days.

This is the system followed the European Alliance, the urologist, antibiotics, sulphonamides are considered primary drugs in the treatment of acute /exacerbation of the prostate.

What tools are you using to eliminate the pain of the chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPP)

CPP does not mean that a relationship is, the symptoms of the infectious agent (specific or non-specific). The diagnosis is established by exclusion, the results of the complete clinical laboratory investigation.

A good effect is achieved if the following medications:

prostate inflammation
  • Tricyclic antidepressants. The use of drugs, the group contributes to cupping pain by blocking the H1-histamine receptors, anti-cholinesterase effect. Often we write to find Out Imipramine. Some patients in the form of adverse reactions, drowsiness, lethargy, thirst.
  • Inhibitors, 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors to reduce prostate volume, and eliminates the swelling in the tissues. Furthermore, it slows down the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone to reduce the pain, the symptoms of dysuria.
  • Pain medications. In severe cases, use analgesics if the pain is not amenable to, drug, other group.
  • Drugs affect the metabolism of urate.

For the treatment of persistent complaints of dysuria prostate inflammation

Sometimes, despite the advent of anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory treatment, the patient continues to be difficult to urination.

After the tests – uroflowmetries or bibendum nor the research and prescribe medication, depending on the identified pathology. In case of hypersensitivity of the bladder neck in the treatment system is similar to interstitial cystitis:

  • antidepressants;
  • antihistamines;
  • in the introduction, the bladder, the solutions of disinfectant.

If dysuric disorders supports the detrusor hyperreflexia (overactive bladder, against the backdrop of the prostate) – used anti-cholinesterase drugs. Hypertonicity of the detrusor to shoot benzodiazepines, and then use the physical therapy effect, the neuromodulation sacral.

Prostate surgery

The indication for the surgery, long-term current prostatitis, the severe symptoms of the following complications:

  • Sclerosis of the bladder neck.
  • Sclerosis of the prostate.
  • Sclerosis you tuberculosis.
  • Stones in the prostate.

Performed transurethral resection (TUR), which improves the patient's quality of life.

Other devices, methods of treatment and prostate cancer: harm or benefit

On the Internet questionable tabloid publications just lazy, I'm not telling you to cure your prostate permanently. Some of the ways may be adopted, as a supplement to the basic treatment, others may worsen the condition, which has a negative outcome.

To prevent you can use bee products (honey, royal jelly, pollen, propolis, etc.), a reasonable approach would be a positive impact.

It is believed that the propolis contains such beneficial ingredients:

  • vitamins;
  • aromatic oils;
  • the amino acids and the proteins;
  • esters, flavonoids, etc.

This ensures antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and even antitumor preventive effect.

ointment with propolis

Recipe ointment of the prostate based on propolis

In a water bath to melt 100 mg animal fat, give beekeeping products:

  • 90 grams of propolis,
  • 7 grams of pollen, royal jelly
  • 20 g of honey.

Boil ointment possible, the optimum temperature for the preparation is 40 – 42 C. Stir with a wooden stick, remove it and cool it in a cold place. Applied to the perineum, 2 times a day, until completely absorbed the cream. Duration of treatment – 3 weeks. If necessary, repeat.

If you have problems cooking, you can use the finished product in the form of candles, propolis. Enter a candle in the night in the anus daily, the treatment duration of 15-30 days.

Note that the pollen is produced in the form of capsules for internal use it contains 0.4 grams of active ingredient. Can be used simultaneously with the cone. Of course reception – 1 month.

A decoction, poultice, the y bee mortuus monkeys

Podmore – is dead bees to prepare the broth use the materials only in dry form.

Method of preparation: pour 2 tablespoons of mortuus monkeys 800 ml of water, simmer on low heat for about an hour. Cool, strain, 5 tablespoons 3 times a day for a month. Compress 150 mg mortuus monkeys, to withstand the steam through, until pasty consistency. The device to be folded in several layers of gauze, put on top of the pulp in several layers of gauze. More to squeeze, to apply to the dam length 45 – 60 minutes. The best procedure is to perform the night and in the morning you can take a shower.